Thanksgiving Delivery Schedule!!

PRE-ORDERING IS CLOSED, we've reach capacity.  

We will try and have "extras" at the shop 

Thanksgiving week pickup schedule

Pre-orders for the week of Thanksgiving will open soon. 

Below are the days/times for Thanksgiving week pickups. We've grouped pickups by days and routes so we can get all the locations.  Keep in mind there is a chance that traffic could delay times, last year these times worked out great.  And as long as everyone picks up on schedule we should be able to keep time pretty close.  We will be at each location for a very short time, just enough time to get there, give you your order and drive to the next location, usually about 10 min.

Tues 11/26

  • Lake Oswego, 11am
  • West Linn, 11:45am
  • Wilsonville, 12:15pm
  • Keizer, 1:00pm
  • SE Portland, 39th/Belmont, 11am
  • Portland, NE 122/Glisan, 11:30am
  • Gresham, noon
  • Vancouver, 1pm
  • Hillsboro 11-2pm

    Weds, 11/27

    • Sherwood, 11:00am
    • Newberg 11:30am
    • McMinnville 12:00am
    • Beaverton, 11am
    • Bethany 11:45
    • Hillsboro 11-2pm

         Kelso + Ridgefield,  Friday 11/22 12:15pm (the week before Thanksgiving)

        Thanksgiving menu will be available all month long and many items are frozen ready to bake, heat and eat and/or thaw and serve - SO you could pickup earlier in the month during regularly scheduled pickups, click here for those date/times.  If you cannot make the pickup times, reach out and we might be able to schedule a time for you to pickup at the production bakery in Hillsboro at a special time.  Shoot us an email